Fire Detector


Pramukh Spark/Fire Detection & Extinguishing Systems for your textile production

This Fire Detection & Extinguishing System find small or big Spark / Fire & automatically divert thus reduces the risk of fire, spark detection and extinguishing system significantly increases the safety of Ginning facilities. It detects sparks and automatically extinguishes or diverts them at mixers, cleaners, drum and other processes before they reach the filter and these systems have done so successfully for more than 10 Years In Cotton Ginning Industries.

  • German Fire Detector System
  • Easy Transferrable & By Pass System
  • Easy cleaning arrangement
  • Automatic Programming System
  • Extinguishes Hazzards without stopping Production
  • Low Maintenance / Easy Operation
  • Reduced Downtime.

Fire Accessories

Fire Alarm, Fire Detector Sensor, Pipe Line Joint Fitting Bars, Big capacity fan For air presser, Pneumatics to actuate diverter, Electrical panel with timers.

Paid Accessories

Air Compressor, Pipeline & accessories for air, Foundation Bolts, Platform Structure, Complete range of spares, Electrical Motor & Electricals.

Salient features

  • Automatic fire and metal protection for production lines.
  • 24 Volt operation, requires 5,5 BAR plant air pressure.
  • Spark detection, burning or flame detection response time is very quick,
  • Extinguishes hazards without stopping production.
  • User Friendly digital programmable control panel.
  • Self monitoring indicator lights-low air pressure low water level.
  • Improved protection against interference & vibration.

Technical Data

Fire Detection Less Than 7 milii Seconds
Fan Stopping 240 Milil Sec or Less Time.
Output Signal to Relay 24 Milil Sec.or Less Time
Initiate Alarm & Diversion 34 Milli Sec or Less Time
Sparks Detects Speed 52m/sec.
Opening time of Diverter 10 Milii/Sec.or Less Time
Detector & Diverter Distance 8 meter
Operating Temperatures -42°C to 65°C
Diversion Detection time Approx. 310 Milii Sec.
Installation Upper Side Of Ginning Unit